Welcome to
Emotion Mapping & Transformation is a guided method for healing and life transformation.
You find here information on the methods I work with,
and knowledge and examples to prepare you for your healing process

I am Sjoerd ('Shurd') Cratsborn
It is my passion to work with people on finding the deeper causes of health problems and life challenges. And to guide them onto their own way of healing.
I healed from Epilepsy and 'diagnosed ADHD'
It happened relatively easily and in 'no time' in 2008. But, to get to that point was a longer story.
And afterwards it took me years to fully understand what I actually did to heal.
One of the clues for starting the healing and finding what's needed to do, was reaching the point of big anger and readiness to make a big decision:
To drop what does not work, and to get slowly but surely ready to believe in a way of healing that may actually work.
The key to healing is to know, to feel and to belief at the same time.
That mostly doesn't come just like that. Otherwise you would be just fine now...
It needs inspiration, confrontation and experiences.
That is why I invite you to read at least the homepage of the website.
I hope you can enjoy.
Every deep dive teaches
By education, listening, and continuously working on myself, and diving deep with hundreds of clients, I learned more and more about healing. And still do every time.
I guide you onto your path...
... while you do the healing
Every healing is as unique as every human being. With what I have learned (the knowledge and the techniques) I can guide you in finding out your own way to healing.
Because the core of what we need to find is there deep inside of you. Al the healing techniques, the exercises, the diet or homeopathy we use, they help you towards that what you need.
More about me, my education and my career you can read here
Knowing Father & Mother
As a (young) person it's easier to avoid acknowledging that we are pretty much our parents. We want to believe we do things really different, we can proof it even.
It took me years to be ready and able to see more of this. How we copy them or do exactly the opposite. I started to understand for example, how a overworked father and a lonely mother can love, limit and hurt each other continuously, without even realising it.
It needs distance to see how they keep each other stuck in their patterns. And how we as their children can end up having to heal the trauma of our parents' parents.
Me in Colombia 2015: The dusty path out of the jungle (labyrinth). On the horse (partner of a certain time in life) going after the guide (there far ahead of me on the path), passing by the family roots (of the three of all life, of our blessings and our trouble forcing us to grow).
-When I made this photo, although I much less aware then now, was somehow feeling the symbolism of that situation.
Physical Journeys, the situations we get into and the people we meet, help us understand the spiritual journey of our life. Even when the insights come in the years after.

Based on Ancient & modern healing practices
The EM&T method in short
I. Connecting to your subconscious 'body memory'...
...diving deep into the root causes of your problem - using the body as antenna.
II. 'Testing' energetically what you need most..
..out of more than 30 techniques
and ancient & modern knowledge:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (Meridians & their emotions in your life)
Chakras (imbalances & your way to higher consciousness)
Emotional patterns; Limiting Beliefs; Human Needs; Behaviours & Sabotages
--> Emotion Mapping & Energetic healing
Personalised healing exercises (NLP, Meditation, Hand healing, ...)
Diet & homeopathy
Your prevalent Archetypes
& more...
III. Mapping your personal way of healing
Mapping the way out of your 'Maze'
Your 'Maze' or Labyrinth = your whole unique construct (conscious and unconscious) that is causing your problem/being stuck/disease.
The Map we make exists out of both:
L. Location & Indication: where the Energy is blocked in your body & by what emotions they are indicated and felt.
S. Situation & Steps: when it occurs (e.g. in certain situations at work). And the Steps to take when needed (using techniques, exercises, new behaviours, etc.).
IV. Integration in (Group)Sessions and Life
To integrate the findings and the process in real life supportive (group)sessions can be crucial.
I offer different kind of sessions and techniques. Below you find the main method:
For You?
EM&T is designed to guide anyone who is ready to do deeper work on himself/herself...
So How do you know?
Whether you are stuck in life, challenged, suffer from a disease, or whether you experience relationship difficulties...
...I can work with you on such 'wide topics', because I go with you to the 'root causes'. The roots of different problems in your life are often one and the same - originating in your childhood and before.
Isn't that tiring or dangerous?
It does not mean we have to go back mentally to (childhood) memories etc. We connect rather Energetically, directly through your whole (life)timeline to the points we need to be. Making us conscious about what comes from what, connecting the dots. That is different from a tiring mental story. This method triggers memories and emotions, which are to be acknowledged and finally relieved.
Questions are welcome, and trust can be build
It's important that you get to the point whereat you have curiosity and some trust that this method - practised by me with you - could help you. If you doubt, I encourage you to contact me to ask questions, before making an appointment even. Often it means you have to question some of your old beliefs, for example on: "what causes what". Or on how a method like this seems "to good to be true, otherwise it would be ..." Or that you "already tried such things..."
Because I know how difficult it can be to know & decide what to do. Especially when you are in a difficult condition. And if a lot of things you tried didn't work yet. (Read my healing story for more on that).
Therefore I take the time to answer questions. And I first check what you need at this moment, whether I can help you or someone or something else. I do this because I know that eventually healing requires us to believe and trust.
And it is therefor that I share my healing story on this and my previous website. And offer information and explanations for who wants to read more.
There are also regularly open-meetings organised, like demonstration meetings & talks with Q&A (see Calendar)

A method born out of healing
This mixed method is a collection of different methods that I have discovered and learned while healing myself and while helping others towards their healing.
I welcome you to my practice
Since 2018 I run a professional practice for energetic healing sessions. I also teach the methods.
Sincere attention & safety
"Sjoerd's Method was new for me, but I am a direct Fan! Both, fan of the technique, and the way Sjoerd takes time and gives sincere attention to what you are struggling with.
He knows what he is doing and that gives a trustworthy feeling. I would definitely do this again!"
Jenneke van Genechten - The Netherlands 2019 (translatd from Dutch)
What people say
Like a deep scan
"With his methods Sjoerd is able to check my health, like he is scanning me. Even while I am here in Bali and he is in the Netherlands! [now Poland]
[...] When I have an issue I mostly first contact him, before I go to a doctor or other practitioner. He lets my body talk, show myself where to look, what to do - and not to do - and where to go."
Alvaro, Bali 2024 - client since 2018 & now dear friend
Big challenges in life
"He works with his stick and some protocols, and he just seems to read what is in me - while we just sit there...
[The 'stick' is an energetic hand-tool. Its used through me to connect with her 'subconscious memory' so to say. Like my body and her body are two antennas connecting for the information to be received. The protocols are to turn the subconscious information into conscious words (emotional patterns, behaviours, needs, or allergies, and locations in the body) so we can get more conscious about it and see & feel what to do about it]
"I trust him since the first time I talked to him.
When something big is happening in my life, and I doubt what to do, I call for a session.
[...] He was right every time [correction: it's not not 'me' who is right, but the information we found turned out right for J.]"
Julia - Belgium 2024
I couldn't believe it
"When I met Sjoerd I couldn't just believe what he said he does. I wanted to test him and didn't tell him anything about myself. But within 10 minutes he found out about my unhealthy competition in life and where it comes from. [...] As if he knew me and my father ."
E. - Australia 2018 - Former professional sportsman
It just hit me
"That information just hit me. As if you picked it from the air."
[It is the client's subconscious information that I receive through himself, me and the protocols]
M. - Belgium 2024
Work with passion
"Sjoerd always seems to be exploring the world and himself. He used to have a lot of problems with school, studies and at work. But he reinvented himself a few times. Always trying out new things to improve his life and methods.
And he is so passionate about his work. [...] Our relationship changed a lot too. In our talks he helps me to remember that it's only me myself who can really change my life."
Kasper - The Netherlands 2024 (translated from Dutch)

Emotion Mapping & Transformation: a Method born out of healing
Book: Healing from ADHD: it is possible! (expected in second half of 2025)
Blog Article: The Map out of the Maze
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