Individual Sessions
Group sessions
You always start with an individual session (see below how & why)
After one or more individual sessions you can chose to continue working one-on-one with me, or start joining the regularly organised Group sessions: Online or Physically.
(See Calendar for dates)
I advise most people to join the group-sessions during the process of healing:
- Repetitive group-sessions are a powerful and supportive structure to integrate the healing process into life.
- The interactive process with other people is enriching, inspiring, motivating and a ground for exercising.
2 Crucial parts to accomplish the healing.
How I work with you:
1) I connect to your subconscious
With my natural sensitivity,
and training I am able to receive information from your unconscious parts. This 'body-memory' tells us:
- What exactly is making you feel stuck/out of balance, and sick.
(e.g. years of 'suppressing yourself' in relation to your parnter)
- When: Where it originates from (the roots)
(e.g. a trauma, or missing the presence of father in early childhood.
-Where in the body this 'memory' is located - deregulating you
(e.g. your 'Hart meridian' & your 'Throat Chakra')
- Next, What we/you can do to restore your harmony and be healthy and happy in life.
This ranges from all kind of techniques, methods and changes, from 'Eating different' to Yoga and Homeopathy. And from Trigger Point Massage and Meditation to healing childhood trauma.
Together we find out step by step what you need to receive or do first (priority), and where you best get that from.
For that, I use more then 30 techniques (see list). And I help you to know which (if any) other methods and techniques (out of the hundreds offered in the world) you need right now.
2) Your Map out of the maze
From what we found by 'talking' to your subconscious,
I will help you to build your personal Map out of the maze you are (stuck) in.
You MAP will be filled with clues, instructions, ancient wisdom, your key people/resources, healing exercises, and appointment
at x or y... All that you need at that moment to make your needed steps.
Its your structure. & you bring this structure to the next session
or group session where you share your goals, experiences and next steps.
Your personal map will guide you from dysfunctional emotional patterns (childhood and current), toward your transition into
a more conscious, healthy and happy you.