Get to know me
I am Sjoerd ("Shurd") Cratsborn
It is my passion to work with people finding the deeper causes of health problems or life challenges and to guide them in finding a way to heal and to transform in the process.
I healed form Epilepsy and 'diagnosed ADHD' in 2008. In the years after I have been finding out what I exactly did to heal...
In my earlier academic research and health-care career, I experienced little or no space for healing practices. So I left my career and followed alternative education in energetic (NEI) therapy and coaching.
I work in the Netherlands and World Wide.
Life brought me to Poland where I am happy to welcome you now...

My story
"In the night of the first of January 2025, after years of work and brewing, I gave birth to the Method of "Emotion Mapping & Transformation."
In this method 15 years of my experience with personal healing came together with more than 6 years of professional work as a Neuro Emotional Integration (NEI) coach & therapist.
Below, you can read more

Here, you can read more about my main story of healing.
And about how my methods & initiative to help others like you came forth out of this.
“My jump in consciousness and journey of healing started in 2008, when I healed from Epilepsy and ADHD. After so many years of struggling, failing 4 studies and, looking back, having a low self-confidence. Through searching many websites I found a dietitian with techniques for testing the body's energy. (And, what I and she didn't know yet: testing the person's subconscious memory)
Remarkably, in that time it helped me to know that the practitioner's husband was a doctor. It was for me still not easy to fully believe that someone with a hand tool can check your body energetically while asking questions...
From frustration to healing
It took me a lot of suffering, trying and research and especially frustration before I had success. Especially frustration that my life did't work while being on waiting lists of institutes, frustrations with doctors and medication. Frustrations to find out 'what does not work'. Yet, that frustration lead me to my 'quest' for real healing.
Only in the years after I have been finding out what I exactly did to heal...
The transformation of my healing into my work
It all did not stop there. A new power, new beliefs, new thinking and acting where arising from this profound experience. I already would question teachers and other authorities as a child, yet now I had even more reasons to continue the quest. Now the question was: What is my truth, what is healing actually?
After 2008 I had become a successful student in health sciences and and soon became an academic researcher. Finding out how science depends on who is doing it, what is defining and influencing it. I realised I needed to move on. Making more important decisions in life, I decided to focus more fully on the topic of healing, also professionally. I finished a post-university studies in Neuro Emotional Integration (NEI) therapy and coaching.
My professional practice in 2018
In 2018 I opened my own practice. Puzzle pieces started to fall together.
Both, my eventful life and my training and qualities as a (health sciences) researcher and adviser in mental health care, taught me also what I need in the healing practice of today:
When people come to me with their puzzling life challenges and conditions. When people come to me with doubts, beliefs and (mostly unconscious) fears that society and life has 'planted in them'. Doubts and beliefs that I often have dealt with too. That is when we go deeper.
Years of investigating the unconscious
Years of investigations together with clients into their unconscious realms and connecting that to what happens in their conscious life, has thought me more then I could imagine. I did not only guide them with my experience. Their experience could become my experience too.
Teaching the methods
As a son out of an education family, I am a passionate teacher of the methods I work with. In 2019 I started sharing experiences and training other people to become able to use their natural sensitivity with the methods that I learned and transformed.
A different kind of teaching
I have experienced at first hand that people coming for help need a specific kind of help, or rather guidance. That is coming from a different kind of 'teaching' than the traditional ones programmed in most of us on this planet. We want to create a safe and open space for the 'teachings' happen, rather then to teach with our minds. To prevent falling in the typical school teaching, I also like to work with co-trainers. Also making it a group learning, keeps us aware. Everyone bringing their unique skills and experience into the program.

I welcome you to my practice:
Since 2018 I run a professional practice for energetic healing sessions. I also teach the methods.