CHOOSE for Healing

A method born from healing

Sjoerd (Shurd) Cratsborn went through a life changing healing experience in 2008 when he was still a University student.

"More than 15 years ago, I healed myself from Epilepsy and so called ADHD. Only to realise years later how I actually did it..."

He new he had to do something with it, and started spreading the word about his discovery and experiences. Only to find out through the years and the sharing and working with other people what he actually did to heal. And so, learning more and more about what the people who come to him need for their healing he transformed the many methods and techniques he had learned from his teachers into the combined method he works with today: emotional mapping and transformation.

He found out the hard way that not everybody in the world was ready and open to it at that time. He spoke and worked with university professors, scientists and psychiatrists in his local environment in the Netherlands.

Some unable to grasp it and criticising his discoveries, others encouraging him to continue his work. The resistance he felt, made him to turn back inside and rethink. With the insights of his own work including some help of a plant medicine ceremony, it had become clear that his university environment was keeping him back. He ended his career as a researcher in health sciences and sociology. He had made the decision to devote his life's work to healing.


Sjoerd is officially trained in the Netherlands as a health scientists and Neuro Emotional Integration (NEI) therapist and coach.
He has learned his techniques in the 15 years since his healing took place.
Although, his biggest asset is his discovery of his natural sensitivity and talent to connect to people's subconscious body. Simply said, he is using his body as an antenna to connect energetically with other people that ask for help.

Create your life-map, by making the subconscious conscious

Emotion Mapping & Transformation explained:

If we want to get somewhere in life, change or heal, we need to start somewhere with direction, trust and focus..

Emotional patterns (like perfectionism, distraction through fear or worry) coming from our past, our parents, our childhood and life experiences can stop us or even make us sick, blind or lost..

So where to start , where to look, what to do?

With Emotion Mapping & Transformation we Connect deeply with you and help you to connect deeply in yourself (and others), for you to create your own map of transformation in life.

We do this in 1-on-1 sessions and group-sessions, training you to use the methods & tools on yourself and also on others when you are ready for that.

A participant said: “It is life transformation, like in a shamanic training."

"When I opened up, it made so much sense"

“I see it makes sense, because when you come to do this work, you choose to reach a higher-conscious version of yourself."

With our tools, protocols and methods from modern coaching and ancient (energetic) healing practices, we help you first to recognize your limiting emotional patterns and the thoughts, believes and behaviors that are linked to them. (Read more about the methods & techniques you will learn).

The Maps are the result of the therapeutic sessions and exercises we do during the course of the therapy.
In the process you build two maps, an internal Map and an external Map. One to recognise and the second to integrate and act.

Emotion = Energy in motion and with growing consciousness, we can make them work in our advantage, as our healing.


Your Body-Map (internal) of your 'emotional body'.
Where in the body the emotions & thoughts are originating and feeding your (negative)behavior.

Your body has the subconscious memory of it all. And ancient cultures have taught us the energetic locations and connections in the body. Which in its manifestation is unique for everyone, every living being. So there we start.


Your Life-Map (externalized)

For relating and Integrating the recognized (found, felt) emotional patterns to the experiences, the people, things, believes, obstacles, goals, etc.

And for the Actions to take and exersizes to do creating a direction and clarity on your life's path.

Emotion Mapping & Transformation in more detail

I. Connecting to your subconscious 'body memory'...
...diving deep into the root causes of your problem - using the body as antenna.

II. 'Testing' energetically what you need most..
..out of more than 30 techniques
and ancient & modern knowledge:

  • The body as antenna: connecting to your unconscious body-memory

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (Meridians & their emotions in your life)

  • Chakras (imbalances & your way to higher consciousness)

  • Emotional patterns; Limiting Beliefs; Human Needs; Behaviours & Sabotages

    --> Emotion Mapping & Energetic healing

  • Personalised healing exercises (NLP, Meditation, Hand healing, ...)

  • Diet & homeopathy

  • Your prevalent Archetypes

  • & more...

III. Mapping your personal way of healing. The way out of your 'Maze'

Your 'Maze' = your whole unique construct (conscious and unconscious) that is causing your problem/being stuck/disease.

The Map we make exists out of both:
LI. Location & Indication:
The location in your body (Meridans/Chakras/ where you Feel it). And the aligned Beliefs, Emotional- & Behavioural Patterns, Sabotages and Needs that are indicated by it.
SS. Situations & Steps: The situations in life wherein your (unconscious) patterns and emotions are triggered (e.g. certain situations at work). And the Steps to take at that time and before it occurs again: the techniques, new behaviours, exercises and things to do to get more conscious. The things we found for you to do to heal and to transform.
Making the Map with A & B is a part of the healing process:
Your map changes during the period of healing - while practising (acting out) your changes in Life and when you come back for sessions over a period of time. Whether individual session or reflective group sessions.
You are growing consciousness. Your beliefs change, and you learn and feel what's is happening is your process of healing, while you work on it. Over time you look back and you realise your are not the same, your consciousness has grown, and your life has improved. This is your transformation. And true transformation comes with healing of that what caused your disease/being stuck/lack of clarity/or problem before.

IV. Integration in (Group)Sessions and Life
To integrate the findings in real life follow up sessions can be crucial.
The regular guided group-sessions are a very powerful way for that. (more triggers and more fun too)

Group sessions
Other people can help us to get the feel of real life. They see and feel what we may not see and feel yet. Other people make us see and feel what was unconscious in us still. Healing can be an easy but still big process. Most of us can use some structure, reminders and support.
An alternative for the group sessions is more individual integration sessions. Some good reasons can make that preferable. And also during the participation in the group sessions, another full session is needed to investigate a new issue.
They are guided as well of cause, so that sharing is constructive and valuable for everyone. And exercises can be done safely.

Getting you back on track
Transformation is not doing something you think you need to do, or you were told and/or unconsciously programmed to do. Its about the way out of your maze. The way to get back on your life path so that you can enjoy life so much more. Its bringing you into a consciousness where you trust life: you then know that life actually shows you always in the right direction; That you always and only get what you need. That you know that the bigger the setback, the bigger the transformation that follows when you go for it fully. The art of transformation is about gaining more and more consciousness and recognising (as soon as possible) in the moment of an argument or setback, or any kind of suffering that you are getting what you need. Not because you deserved it, but because you need this situation to change something that is all the time working against you, maybe it was subtle till than but over time it was unhealthy and keeping you from making progress.

E-motion = Energy-in-motion
Imagine the flow of life as your blood stream, streaming like a clean river feeding the rest of your body through bigger and smaller sub-streams. Then when you are acting negatively for your own goodness in life, for the goodness of life (so also when you take care of others but do not take care of yourself, or vise versa) than you are actually causing stress and pollution to accumulate in these streams, making them stuck and flow less and less. Now imagine your blood, disposing CO2 and other remains, and bringing fresh oxygen and energy to the cells all over the body. What if it can't stream well anymore, unconsciously long before it causes obvious heart attacks. You are having less power and are not able to function, yet the decline is so slow over the years, that you are not aware of it. Or you think its normal ageing. This is how it works for many smokers, that most of us can imagine, right? Still for decades the damaging effects of smoking where hidden for and by many people. Not because science was not advanced enough, but rather because a strong industry was keeping things secrets and spreading lies. Keeping science, knowledge, people and common sense at bay.
Now imagine your energy pathways are being stuck slowly by the stressors caused through the unconscious emotional patterns in your life. And that without even knowing they exists! When some emotions are building up, others can't flow. When we can't cry, we can't feel really happy ether. When we hold unconscious sadness from our past - while we think we are not sad because we do not feel the urge to cry - we also suppress large potential of the joy. There are no naturally hard or boring people. These are suppressed people. Suppressed by their parents, or the example of their parents who where suppressed themselves. By their childhood and life situations. Emotions are energy in motion. Unless we are fully healed and enlightened, we need Emotions to feel, to flow and to grow. If we cant feel it, we can't heal it. That does not mean that we always need to cry, or directly feel things. It can take some work for some of us, or in some part of our life (topics). It can take some other steps before we feel more again.

Based on Ancient & modern healing practices

EM&T healing process in short:

  1. Connecting to the unconscious 'body memory'

Using Protocols (based on Meridians & their emotions, Chakras, Patterns, Human Needs, Archetypes...

2. Mapping your needed way of healing

3. Integration in (group) sessions & life