my story...

Even I didn't understand yet how, It worked for me, because following the results (the bodies answers), I healed in a matter of weeks!
Since then I never stopped researching and applying in the field of (energetic) healing and other alternative methods. Understanding only after several years what I actually had done to heal. (You can read more about that here, and how it contributed to the Emotion Mapping & Transition method)

I next came to learn, that it didn't mean I could convince others of this magic and make it my study and work. Therefore, I had a short intensive career in Academic research (health sciences and sociology). Learning a lot, especially about how the science world works. And that there was little or no openness for energetic healing and other alternative therapies. No, wonder we never heard about it in lectures or academic books. And no wonder so many of us academic students and researchers, could not believe in it, fought against it with intellectual arguments, or ignored. And with it, we were ignoring a key part of ourselves. A forgotten or suppressed knowledge it seems!
After leaving the academic environment, I worked for healthcare institutes. With most joy in the support and training of self-help groups. But still not really able to share my experiences about healing..

Around 2017 I had enough of it, and followed my heart starting to work for myself. For the first year I worked as a 'travelling therapist', sharing my practices for free with everyone who was interested. It turned out to be a great way to learn, and to surprise people and myself.
Even when I landed my practice back home in Maastricht - the Netherlands, I still had clients from Bali to Australia, and from London to Spain. Thanks to hundreds of client experiences and many self-sessions I could further develop my skills, the methods and techniques and protocols. And of course, I could further challenge my remaining limiting believes. Especially when I started training people in series of courses.

When the covid situation unfolded, I tried to continue working, because I could see it was safe and people needed the meetings more than ever. But the rules didn't make it easy, also to see my daughter abroad. But thanks to the combination of the covid drama and my daughter who lived with her new family in Poland, I decided to leave everything behind, pack my tent and my methods & tool on my bicycle, to make a spiritual or ceremonial transition towards Poland. Back towards her, back to my father role. Even though I really didn't like to live in a big city like Warsaw and I didn't speak much Polish.

Looking back, starting over again here, was not easy. There where big lessons in it, and another round of healing. As a result I have moved on and have now my own fresh family. And I had a new opportunity to observe what happened in me when I left a nice city, a running practice and pretty much everything I had build behind for another a higher goal (reunification with my daughter). I discovered new aspects in me, like sitting with the pain of loneliness in a dark winter with neighbours you can't see (in the Netherlands we have bigger windows and no gates). Really "sitting with it" without escaping into distractions. And having a fresh family while running almost out of savings.

It is so different now I have my own family, and a wonderful daughter who was born in our warm safe home. And when we go out, so many people make eye contact with her and then with me. With her smile and funny look, she seems a champion in unfreezing the people. Remarkably, sometimes now, I miss being alone ;)

Last year we started fulfilling one of my wishes: to make our own Energetic testing tool. Which I named a 'Bodytensor' (Because the ages-old tools called Biotensor's have been copyrighted). For me it is important to know where they are made and by whom. And its simply fun to develop our model for the participants with our little team of grandpa's in an old cosy metal factory.

Summing up the story, probably its clear by now, that it is my passion to find the deep roots of (health) problems and life challenges and then to find ways to transform them in to strengths and consciousness. And, also to find the best way to share (train others) about this process and methods by doing the work in groups. Each of us mirroring something in the other, with our unique but relevant experiences and body wisdom to share.

After all these years and many steps of healing, I am still amazed how it works!
That, with the right focus, its so easy to connect to the subconscious using our body as a kind of antenna. Receiving other people's body memory that we can translate into words. Key-messages bout the often unconscious childhood traumas, food allergies, lacks, emotional patters, behaviours, relationship challenges beliefs, and more. Its not always easy then, to actually integrate and work with the new information, but it is Wow!

Thank you for reading.

I hope it has inspired you or makes you curious to meet me and others to get to know more about the methods and the great workings of it.
(see here our agenda for demonstrations and tryals, or the full training program)